From Thule to MOSAiC75 years of French and German Arctic Research - On the occasion of the 100th birthday of legendary professor Jean Malaurie (Website -

Monday, December 12 th 2022 – 18-20 CET a seminar and get-together will be held at the French Embassy in Berlin, Wilhelmstrasse 69. The event is free to attend in person or online!

As a recent study has shown, the impact of climate change is almost four times stronger in the Arctic than elsewhere, a phenomenon that has been identified as "Arctic amplification". This event, organized within the French Embassy's cycle of "Clima Talks", honours Jean Malaurie, France's most distinguished Arctic researcher on the occasion of his 100th birthday. Discussions will focus on the development of Arctic research since Professor Malaurie's legendary expedition to Thule in North-West Greenland during the winter 1950-51 and his extraordinary account thereof entitled The Last Kings of Thule (1955, German ed. 1957 with a preface by J. Georgi), the most widely distributed book about Greenland in the world. 

Paying homage to Jean Malaurie's 75 years of circumpolar studies, the session will discuss latest research results produced notably by the MOSAIC expedition led by Prof Markus Rex from AWI and the impact of current changes, environmental, economic and geopolitical, on Arctic societies and notably indigenous communities. 

Presentations of Jean Malaurie's exceptional career and the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAIC), the biggest, most elaborate Arctic expedition ever, will be followed by a panel discussion about most recent developments in the Arctic.

A get-together will foster the discussion between participants. 

Link to the live stream:


12 December 2022 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. CET


François Delattre, French ambassador  to Germany

Prof Alain Bui, Président of UVSQ, associate member of Université Paris-Saclay 

Prof Antje Boetius, Director of the Alfred Wegener Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (video statement) 


"From Stones to Soul - Jean Malaurie's 75 years of circumpolar research and defence of Arctic Indigenous societies"  - Prof Jan Borm, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines 

„Frozen at the North Pole - The MOSAIC Expedition to the epicentre of climate change” - Prof Markus Rex , Alfred Wegener Institute / MOSAIC 


Arctic geopolitics and security: new challenges to the environment and societies 

Prof Markus Rex (Alfred Wegener Institute / MOSAIC),

Prof Rasmus Bertelsen (Nansen Professor, University of Akureyri / UiT The Arctic University of Norway),

Gunn-Britt Retter (Head of Arctic and Environmental Unit in the Saami Council, Norway)

Prof Jan Borm (UVSQ) 


MODERATION: Grace Dobush

For further information on the event see attached event flyer

For further information on Jean Malaurie visit his dedicated website

Source: AWI / UVSQ

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