When: 14th March 2022, 16:00-17:30


Enabling gender equality by empowering all genders to effectively participate in modern society is one of the most important advances towards global sustainable development, encompassing equal representation in the labor market and political office (Sustainable Development Goal 5). Recent studies on gender equality demonstrate that inequality persists across the countries and spheres of engagement despite an increasing global trend towards women’s empowerment.

This event will highlight the conclusions and recommendations from the recently published Pan-Arctic Report: Gender Equality in the Arctic. Themes will include considerations on gender inequalities and empowerment in governance, economies, and social realities, and insights from Indigenous communities in the context of climate change in the Arctic.

This panel is a part of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) parallel events coordinated by the NGO Committee on the Status of Women (NGO CSW/NY), which is a group of New York–based women’s NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations. For more information on the NGO CSW66 Forum, please visit the website of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women (NGO CSW/NY).


Welcoming address

Jörundur Valtýsson, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Iceland to the United Nations in New York



Embla Eir Oddsdóttir, Director, Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network




Q&A session.

Please note that this session will be recorded.

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